Rectum, radiography
F e m u r. C a p u t fem o ris
Ileu m
F e m u r, C o rp u s fe m o ris
Os pubis, Ramus inferior
Tuber ischiadicum
Canalis analis
Os sacrum
Colon sigmoideum
Ampulla recti
Os coccygis
------ M gluteus maximus
Fig. 1150
Rectum, Rectum;
The transitional zone between the anus and the rectum (arrow!
lateral radiograph in voluntary closure of the anus after filling
is located at the level of the tip of the coccyx (triangle],
with a contrast medium (defaecography).
The angle between the axes of the anus and the rectum (4J
is approximately 90° and depends upon the curvature of the
levator ani muscle (puborectal muscle). Scale in cm.
Femur, Corpus femoris
Os pubis, Ramus inferior
Tuber ischiadicum
x C a n a lis a n alis
Fig. 1151
Rectum, Rectum;
lateral radiograph of the defaecation after filling with a contrast
medium (defaecography).
In comparison to Fig. 1150, the anorectal transitional zone has
descended and the angle (4 ) increased to 137° due to the
relaxation of the curvature of the levator ani muscle. As the
bending acts like a valve, the elongation results in an unimpeded
pressure of the faeces on the anal canal leading to defaecation.